Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsor Levels
Presenting Sponsor $15,000
Large size logo on pre-event marketing materials: e-mail blasts, and information cards (distribution is 4,000+)
Large logo on signage throughout the event, including table tents
Speaking role introducing panel or keynote speaker during the event
Prominent signage throughout the event, including table tents
Eight complimentary registrations to the Forum
Full-screen company advertisement on large screens at the event
Seat drop literature (company provided) at the opening session
Company logo on the Forum website
Company logo on event nametags (4 available)
Booth space (2 tabletops) in display area
Defense Community Sponsor $10,000
Medium size logo on two pre-event marketing e-mail blasts (distribution is 4,000+)
Verbal acknowledgement of sponsorship during the event
Speaking role introducing panel or keynote during the event
Logo (medium) on signage throughout the event, including table tents
Four complimentary registrations to the Forum
Half-screen company advertisement on large screens at the event
Large size company logo on the Forum website
Booth space (one tabletop) in display area
Supporting Sponsor- $5,000
Two complimentary registrations to the Forum
Verbal acknowledgement of sponsorship during the event
Logo (small) on signage at the event
Quarter-screen company advertisement on large screens at the event
Contact Janet Harp for Sponsorship Information.