Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsor Levels

Presenting Sponsor $15,000

  • Large size logo on pre-event marketing materials: e-mail blasts, and information cards (distribution is 4,000+)

  • Large logo on signage throughout the event, including table tents

  • Speaking role introducing panel or keynote speaker during the event

  • Prominent signage throughout the event, including table tents

  • Eight complimentary registrations to the Forum

  • Full-screen company advertisement on large screens at the event

  • Seat drop literature (company provided) at the opening session

  • Company logo on the Forum website

  • Company logo on event nametags (4 available)

  • Booth space (2 tabletops) in display area

Defense Community Sponsor $10,000

  • Medium size logo on two pre-event marketing e-mail blasts (distribution is 4,000+)

  • Verbal acknowledgement of sponsorship during the event

  • Speaking role introducing panel or keynote during the event

  • Logo (medium) on signage throughout the event, including table tents

  • Four complimentary registrations to the Forum

  • Half-screen company advertisement on large screens at the event

  • Large size company logo on the Forum website

  • Booth space (one tabletop) in display area

Supporting Sponsor- $5,000

  • Two complimentary registrations to the Forum

  • Verbal acknowledgement of sponsorship during the event

  • Logo (small) on signage at the event

  • Quarter-screen company advertisement on large screens at the event

Contact Janet Harp for Sponsorship Information.